
Soft-UV-NIL as replication technique was used to replicate sub-100 nm structures. The aim of this work is the stamp production and the replication of structures with dimensions smaller than 100 nm in a simple manner. Composite stamps composed of two layers, a thin hard PDMS layer supported by a thick soft PDMS (s-PDMS) layer are compared to common s-PDMS stamps regarding the resolution by using a Siemens star (star burst pattern) as test structure. The master is fabricated by electron beam lithography in a 140 nm thick PMMA resist layer. The stamp is molded directly from the structured resist, without any additional anti sticking treatment. Therefore the resist thickness determines the aspect ratio, which is 1.5 at the resolution limit. The replication is done in a UV-curing cycloaliphatic epoxy material. The employed test structure provides good comparability, the resolution limit at a glance, and it integrates a smooth transition from micro- to nanostructures. Therefore it is a capable structure to characterize the UV-NIL.

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