
Cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL/P) is one of the mostcommonhumanbirthdefects.CL/Pmayoccuraspartofacomplexmalformation syndrome or, as is more commonly the case, as anonsyndromic malformation. In European populations non-syndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate (NSCL/P) has abirth prevalence of 1/700–1/1,000. NSCL/P has a multifactorialetiology resulting from interactions between multiple genetic andenvironmentalfactors.Nonsyndromiccleftpalateonly(NSCPO)isthe second most common form of nonsyndromic clefting, with aprevalence of 1/2,000 in most European populations. AlthoughNSCL/P and NSCPO are generally considered to be develop-mentally and genetically distinct entities, there is evidence thatthey may have an etiological overlap [Kondo et al., 2002; Sivertsenet al., 2008].The identification of susceptibility genes for NSCL/P has beenthe subject of extensive research. Of the many candidate genesinvestigated, however, only the IRF6 gene has shown a convincingdegreeofconsistencyacrossstudies[Zuccheroetal.,2004;Rahimovet al., 2008]. The first genome-wide association scan (GWAS)recently reported a new major susceptibility locus at chromosome8q24.21,with the strongestassociationsignal having been observedfor rs987525 (P¼3.34 10

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