
ABSTRACTPea seedlings (Pisum sativum L. cv ‘Kleine Rheinlän‐derin’) were grown hydroponically in solutions containing either nitrate (3 or 14 mol m−3) or ammonium (3 mol m−3) as the nitrogen source. Ammonium nutrition as such had no negative effect on plant biomass production, but drastically increased the sensitivity to moderate salinity (50 mol m−3 NaCl). The reasons for this effect are investigated here and in a subsequent paper. The appearance of visible symptoms of salt damage (wilting of marginal leaf areas followed by progressive necrosis) was paralleled by the development of several characteristic modifications in the solute and metabolite contents. Major changes were: (i) high salt (NaCl) accumulation in leaves; (ii) accumulation of ammonium (up to 20 mol m−3) and amino acids (up to 110 mol m−3) in leaves, but at decreased ammonium uptake rates; and (iii) decreased protein content. In a comparison paper we report on the subcellular distribution of salts, ammonium and metabolites under the above conditions.

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