
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common stress-related gastrointestinal disorder and visceral hypersensitivity (VH) is characteristically found in IBS patients. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) applied to certain acupoints has been shown to benefit IBS patients. Here, we investigated whether nonspecific acupoint is involved in the efficacy of TENS treatment for IBS. Twenty-five male rats were randomly assigned to four experimental groups and one sham-control group. The four experimental groups were defined as TENS-RR, TENS-RL, TENS-LR, and TENS-LL based on the location of the two TENS patches [right (R) or left (L)]. The former and latter letter pairs indicate that the patch locations were the upper chest and upper back, respectively. The heterotypic intermittent stress (HIS) protocol was performed for 16 days. VH was assessed by electromyography to evaluate response to rectal distention (RD). Modulated medium-frequency TENS, sweep range 1-10 Hz, amplitude slightly above the supra motor threshold, was applied 30 min per day followed by RD every second day for the final 7 days of the 16-day HIS period. VH was induced after the rats had been subjected to HIS for 10 days. A significant reduction of VH was observed only in the TENS-LL group compared with that in the sham-control group. These data suggest that repeated TENS treatment can alleviate stress-induced VH in rats. Further, whether TENS patches are attached to the left or right side of the body, which are nonspecific acupoints for gastrointestinal functions, may be an important factor in the treatment of stress-associated gastrointestinal symptoms.

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