
Changes in the sensory environment modify our sensory experience and may result in experience-related or learning-induced reorganization within the central nervous system. Hearing aids change the sensory environment by stimulating a deprived auditory system; therefore, they may be capable of inducing changes within the central auditory system. Examples of studies that have shown hearing aid induced perceptual and/or physiological changes in the adult human auditory system are discussed. Evidence in the perceptual domain is provided by studies that have investigated (a) speech perception, (b) intensity discrimination, and (c) loudness perception. Evidence in the physiological domain is provided by studies that have investigated acoustic reflex thresholds and event-related potentials. Despite the controversy in the literature concerning the rate, extent, and clinical significance of the acclimatization effect, there is irrefutable evidence that the deprived auditory system of some listeners can be modified with hearing aid experience.

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