
Advanced oxidation is a process of removal of pollutants and leads to the combustion of organicand inorganic pollutants or chemical components in the environment especially in water sources.Even though there are different effective processes, many studies have indicated that advancedoxidation process (AOPs) is a more reliable and sustainable method. Therefore, this paper exploredthe efficacy in the treatment and degradation of micro-pollutants especially using greensynthesised iron nanoparticles. Micro-pollutants are mainly found in water bodies as a result of theanthropogenic activities, however, the chemical oxidation methods of AOPs have been found to beeffective. The use of green synthesised nanoparticles are sustainable and more efficient thantraditional AOPs. Therefore, based on the current findings the study has recommended the use ofhybrid green synthesised Iron (Fe) nanoparticles for future applications in mass degradations ofmicro-pollutants. Another important finding was that green synthesized nanoparticles degradepollutants that cannot be done by traditional methods of AOPs. Evidently, there is a need toconduct further research onhybrid green synthesised Iron (Fe) nanoparticles and AOPs towardsdegradations of micro-pollutants. Future scope of the current study has also been presented at theend of the study.

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