
TRU wastes are those (other than high level waste) contaminated with specified quantities of certain alpha-emitting radionuclides of long half-life and high specific radiotoxicity. TRU waste is defined as /sup 226/Ra isotopic sources and those other materials that, without regard to source or form, are contaminated with transuranic elements with half-lives greater than 20 years, and have TRU alpha contamination greater than 100 nCi/g. RH TRU waste has high beta and gamma radiation levels, up to 30,000 R/hr, and thermal output may be a few hundred watts per container. The radiation levels in most of this remotely handled (RH) TRU waste, however, are below 100 R/hr. Remote-handled wastes are stored at Los Alamos, Hanford, Oak Ridge, and the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. This report presents a site by site discussion of RH waste handling, placement, and container data. This is followed by a series of data tables that were compiled in the TRU Waste Systems Office. These tables are a compendium of data that are the most up to date and accurate data available today. 10 tables.

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