
Tumours of the lateral ventricle are common in general neuosurgical practice with a reported incidence of 0.81–1.6% [1]. he majority of these lesions are benign or low grade and an be removed successfully through carefully planned surgical pproaches. However, even for experienced surgeons, the surgical emoval of these tumours remains a challenge and may occasionlly cause severe neurological morbidity or even death. In the resent report, we described a unique case of a lateral ventricular eurocytoma that simultaneously developed two rare but dreaded omplications in the form of a remote epidural haematoma and evere basal ganglia oedema following surgical removal of the umour using a frontal transcortical approach. The patient had an ventful clinical course, but a satisfactory outcome was achieved. he mechanism by which remote postoperative EDHs develops is nclear, but several hypotheses have been proposed. In our case, he loss of a substantial CSF volume during surgery, which caused sudden drop in intracranial pressure, may have played a signifiant role in the pathophysiological development of the remote EDH. he involvement of the thalamostriate vein during surgery and the

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