
What is already known: Prospective memory is an important function for daily living. It is the cognitive function that helps you remember that you are meeting your friend for coffee at 2 pm tomorrow, or that you need to take your vitamins after breakfast. This cognitive function is particularly important in autistic adults, but how prospective memory is associated with increasing age, we currently do not know.What this paper adds: Although performance on experimental tasks that measure prospective memory decreases with age, this pattern is similar in autistic and non-autistic adults. No age effects were found for tasks that were performed outside the lab. Autistic adults and non-autistic adults perform similarly on prospective memory, and this performance remains similar when autistic and non-autistic adults age.Implications for practice, research, or policy: While our results show that prospective memory decreased with increasing age, our results do point to parallel development of prospective memory in autistic and non-autistic adults. This finding serves as a reassurance for those individuals concerned that older autistic individuals might show quicker cognitive decline.

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