
We determined the temporal pattern of female remating in the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata, and how mating with sterile males affects remating. In addition, we examined the hypotheses that sterile male nutrition and age affect the subsequent receptivity of their mates. Temporally, female receptivity varied significantly throughout the experimental period. Relatively high levels of remating (14%) on the days following the first copulation were followed by a decline, with a significantly low point (4.1%) 2 weeks after mating. Subsequently, receptivity is gradually restored (18%) 3 and 4 weeks after the initial copulation. When females were first mated to sterile males, significantly higher remating percentages were recorded. The ability of sterile males to inhibit receptivity of both wild and laboratory reared females on the day of first mating was significantly improved when they were fed a nutrient rich diet. Male age at first mating also affected female receptivity: sterile males of intermediate age (11 days old) inhibited female remating significantly more than younger or older flies. Although further studies are needed to determine the relative roles of natural and sexual selection in modulating patterns of female sexual receptivity, the Sterile Insect Technique may be improved by releasing well nourished, older sterile males.

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