AbstractPrecipitation of relativistic electrons into the Earth's atmosphere regulates the outer radiation belt fluxes and contributes to magnetosphere‐atmosphere coupling. One of the main drivers of such precipitation is electron scattering by whistler‐mode waves. Such waves typically originate at the equator, where they can resonate with and scatter sub‐relativistic (tens to a few hundred keV) electrons. However, they can occasionally propagate far away from the equator along field lines, reaching middle latitudes, where they can resonate with and scatter relativistic (>500 keV) electrons. Such a propagation is typical for the dayside, but statistically has not been found on the nightside where the waves are quickly damped along their propagation due to Landau damping. Here we explore two events of relativistic electron precipitation from low‐altitude observations on the nightside. Combining measurements of whistler‐mode waves from ground observatories, relativistic electron precipitation from low‐altitude satellites, total electron content maps from GPS receivers, and magnetic field and electron flux from equatorial satellites, we show wave ducting by plasma density gradients is the possible channel that allows the waves to reach middle latitudes and scatter relativistic electrons. We suggest that both whistler‐mode wave generation and ducting can be driven by equatorial mesoscale (with spatial scales of about one Earth radius) transient structures during nightside injections. We also compare these nightside events with observations of ducted waves and relativistic electron precipitation at the dayside, where wave generation and ducting are driven by ultra‐low‐frequency waves. This study demonstrates the potential importance of mesoscale transients in relativistic electron precipitation, but does not however unequivocally establish that ducted whistler‐mode waves are the primary cause of the observed electron precipitation.
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