
Evapotranspiration is the most important variable next to rainfall in the context of irrigation to crops and it is a multivariate phenomenon as it is influenced by many hydrological variables. In this paper, the relative importance of different variables involved in evapotranspiration has been investigated through a multivariate technique, namely factor analysis. Monthly data pertaining to eight meteorological stations located in two tropical states of India are used in this analysis. Factor analysis was applied to determine the relative effect of rainfall, temperature (maximum and minimum), wind speed, relative humidity, and sunshine duration on evapotraspiration. The analysis was performed in two stages: in the first stage, the principal components were obtained and in the second stage, a set of factors was derived using Varimax factor rotation. Three factors were extracted which explained more than 85% of the total variation in the original data set. The identified factors were related to physical processes influencing the evapotranspiration. The results of the study reveal that the variables, relative humidity, temperature, and wind speed, are those with the most influence in the evapotranspiration process, in that order. The variables rainfall and sunshine duration have been found to have less influence on the ET process.

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