
SummarySecondary seed dormancy has been linked to seedbank persistence of volunteer oilseed rape (Brassica napus) in western Canada. It has been suggested that there is a genetic component to secondary seed dormancy expression in oilseed rape, but little is known of its importance in relation to non‐genetic factors. In a series of experiments we investigated the relative importance of genotype, seed size, time of windrowing and pre‐ and post‐harvest environment on the expression of secondary seed dormancy. We found that genotype contributed between 44 and 82% to the total variation in secondary seed dormancy. A broad range in secondary seed dormancy expression was observed among 16 genotypes examined. Nevertheless, three‐quarters of the genotypes investigated exhibited relatively high potential for the expression of secondary seed dormancy (back‐transformed mean 71% dormant seeds). Seed size contributed 21% to the total variation, while the influence of seed maturity (harvest regime) on secondary seed dormancy expression was negligible. Despite diverging environmental conditions during the four growing seasons spanning these experiments, the influence of pre‐harvest environment on seed dormancy expression was relatively small and ranged from 0.1% to 4.5%. Secondary seed dormancy potential decreased over time during seed storage. This decrease was greatest when seeds were stored at ambient temperatures and least when seeds were stored at −70°C.

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