
The health condition of pregnant women is one of the risks that can increase the occurrence of congenital abnormalities; the prevalence of babies with congenital disorders in Indonesia is 59.3% per 1,000 live births. When compared to countries in Southeast Asia, Indonesia is still a country with a high prevalence of babies with congenital abnormalities. 50% of congenital abnormalities have no known cause; congenital abnormalities can be identified before birth, at birth, or later when the baby is born. Congenital abnormalities can affect organ shape, organ function, or both. Congenital abnormalities in infants vary from mild to severe and, in general, abnormalities occur in the first trimester phase, as happened in Ulutaue Village, there were some born with lobster claw syndrome, which they call stemmed fingers. This is a quite rare incident that occurs overseas only 1 in 90,000 live births, but it is different in Ulutaue Hamlet ranging from the elderly to children under five years old having fingers split in half, resemble crab claws. Most of the residents of Ulutaue Hamlet have suffered from this case. Reports in the last few years from the local health center found pregnant women giving birth with the same case. The purpose of this study is to determine the risk factors of pregnant women that cause the phenomenon of Lobster claw syndrome at Ulutaue Hamlet, Mare District, Bone Regency, South Sulawesi. This study uses a type of quantitative research with an analytical cross sectional design approach that aims at analyzing the relationship between risk factors of pregnant women and the occurrence of Lobster claw syndrome phenomenon. Keywords: Pregnant Women, Lobster Claw Syndrome.

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