
In a further genetic study of murine leukemia virus (MuLV) and its components we examined the backcross C57L X (C57L X AKR). This population was selected because strains AKR and C57L are both Fv-1n, and the restriction which the Fu-1b allele imposes on the output of virus was thereby obviated. The segregants were scored for three characters: (a) infectious Gross-AKR-type MuLV (V), in the tail; (b) group-specific antigen indicative of p30 internal viral protein, in spleen; and (c) GIX antigen, now thought to be indicative of gp69/71 viral envelope glycoprotein, on thymocytes. Our conclusions are: (a) It is confirmed that the AKR mouse has two unlinked chromosomal genes, Akv-1 and Akv-2, each of which can independently give rise to the life-long high output of MuLV that is characteristic of AKR mice. (b) Of the eight phenotypes that could possibly be derived from segregation of the three pairs of independent alternative traits, seven were observed, but on progeny testing only three were shown to reflect stably heritable genotypes; these were V+p30+GIX+ and V-p30-GIX- (the parental types) and V-p30+GIX+. A third, newly identified AKR gene, designated Akvp, segregating independently of Akv-1 and Akv-2, also determines expression of p30 and GIX but in this case independently of XC-detectable MuLV. (c) The four remaining observed phenotypes, which did not breed true on progeny testing, involved mostly antigen-negative parents yielding antigen-positive progeny; it is likely that these discrepancies represented suppression of phenotype by a maternal resistance factor.

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