
The synthesis of the A-gliadin protein fraction derived from the endosperm of the grain of hexaploid bread wheats (Triticum aestivum L.), which is toxic in celiac disease, was associated with the alpha arm of the 6A chromosome through use of the substitution lines of "Cheyenne" chromosomes in "Chinese Spring". The association was made through the use of ditelocentric stocks of Chinese Spring. The synthesis of many other gliadin components in the gel electrophoretic patterns of these two varieties could be associated with particular chromosomes as well. All genes detected were located in the chromosomes of homoeologous groups 1 and 6. It is possible to remove some of the proteins toxic to people with celiac disease from wheat (flour) by chromosome manipulation. If the toxic factor is not widely distributed among the storage protein components, it may be possible to produce a wheat that would be safe for celiac patients to eat.

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