
A study was conducted of the Mediterranean Red soils of a region in Central Western Spain with a goal of describing the relationship between their main characteristics and the age of the geomorphic surfaces over which they have developed. The main macromorphological characteristics of the soils were analyzed, with a statistical study of the analytical data on 70 samples of Mediterranean Red soils. The oldest surfaces contain Palexerults and Ultic Palexeralfs, Calcic Rhodoxeralfs, Calcic—vertic Palexeralfs. Typic Rhodoxeralfs. Typic Palexeralfs, Vertic Haploxeralfs and Typic Haploxeralfs have been observed in a chronosequence on terraces of the River Tormes. The soil typology changes with the age of the surfaces, from soils with a sharp textural contrast at the upper limit of the argillaceous horizon, with a dark red very clayey and very thick Bt horizon (on the oldest surface) to not very thick brown soils without a clear clay illuviation and with a lower content in clay (on the youngest surface). The effect of recent erosion on the morphology of the soils located on a single surface has caused new soils to form superimposed on pre-existing soils.

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