
India is self-reliant country in food grains in world. Agriculture is a very ancient and important occupation for the economic development in India. The study holds significant importance as it can drive economic development and agricultural progress. The present study was conducted in Valsad district of South Gujarat to ascertain relationship between selected profile of mango growers with awareness regarding export of mango. Two villages from six talukas were selected randomly. Ten mango growers were selected from all selected villages. Thus, the total sample size was 120 respondents for present investigation. The findings of this study reveal that less than two-thirds (60.00 %) of the mango growers had medium level of awareness. The finding of this study revealed that the variable like education, land holding, annual income, training, mass media exposure, extension contact, risk orientation, social participation, scientific orientation, decision making, marketing behaviour and cosmopoliteness were found positive and significant relationship with awareness regarding export of mango and innovativeness had found positive and significantly related with awareness regarding export of mango. while, age had negative and but significant relationship with awareness regarding export of Whereas, farming experience, irrigation facility and children’s education were found non-significant relationship with awareness regarding export of mango.

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