
Objectives: To describe urine oxidative stress biomarkers and erythrocyte antioxidant enzymes activity, and explore any association with prevalence or intensity of Giardia intestinalis infection (Gi) in preschoolers attending 3 government‐subsidized daycare centers in the Guatemalan Western Highlands Methods: 74 24‐h urine, blood and fecal samples were collected the same week, among 36 F and 38 M to measure oxidative damage to DNA (8‐hydroxydeoxyguanosine {8‐OHdG}) and lipid (15‐Isorpostane F2t {F2‐Iso}), the erythrocyte activity of Catalase (CAT) and Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) Glutathione Reductase (GSHR) and Glutathione Peroxidase (GSHPx). Gi prevalence and intensity were assessed by ELISA kit procedures Results: CAT activity correlates significantly with 8OHdG (r=0.242, p=0.038) and F2‐Iso (r=0.468, p<0.001), whereas SOD activity correlates only with F2‐Iso (r=0.256, p=0.028). Positive correlations were also found between Gi intensity and CAT (r=0.337, p=0.003) and F2‐Iso (r=0.291, p=0.012). Median values of rbc CAT activity (p=0.016) and urine F2‐Iso (p=0.023) differed between children who were Gi+ and Gi‐.Conclusion: We find heretofore unrecognized associations between rbc and urine oxidative stress biomarkers and with the prevalence and intensity of Gi in our study population Funded by: Fundación Iberoamericana de Nutrición (FINUT), Spain and The Hildegard Grunow Foundation (HGF), GermanyGrant Funding Source: Supported by Fundación Iberoamericana de Nutrición (FINUT) and The Hildegard Grunow Foundation (HGF)

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