
Aim. To assess the associations between depression and coronary artery disease (CAD) in an open female and male population of a middle-urbanized city of Western Siberia.Material and methods. Two cross-sectional epidemiological studies were carried out on an open population of a middle-urbanized Siberian city among men and women aged 25-64 years old. The prevalenceof CAD was assessed based on standard epidemiological methods. To determine the severity of depression, the algorithms of the WHO program MONICA-Psychosocial were used. The severity of depression was assessed as low, moderate, and high. On the basis of the algorithm, the levels of depression were established: low and moderate levels — no sign, high level — presence of a sign.Results. In an open population of 25-64 years old, a moderately urbanized Siberian city, the prevalence of CAD according to extended and lax epidemiological criteria prevailed in men, while strict epidemiological criteria did not reveal significant differences in the male and female subpopulations. In the female subpopulation, a tendency towards an increase in the prevalence of a high level of depression was revealed due to its predominance in young age groups.It has been shown that the depression increases the probability of detecting CAD in accordance with the expanded epidemiological criteria in men and women by 21,07 and 16,04 times, respectively.Conclusion. When using epidemiological criteria for CAD in the presence of depression, the probability of detecting CAD is higher, both in men and women. At the same time, the highest odds ratios are characteristic for a certain type of CAD, the least — CAD by probable signs.


  • In an open population of 25-64 years old, a moderately urbanized Siberian city, the prevalence of coronary artery disease (CAD) according to extended and lax epidemiological criteria prevailed in men, while strict epidemiological criteria did not reveal significant differences in the male and female subpopulations

  • It has been shown that the depression increases the probability of detecting CAD in accordance with the expanded epidemiological criteria in men and women by 21,07 and 16,04 times, respectively

  • The highest odds ratios are characteristic for a certain type of CAD, the least — CAD by probable signs

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Ишемическая болезнь сердца

1“Тюменский кардиологический научный центр” — филиал ФГБНУ “Томский национальный исследовательский медицинский центр Российской академии наук”, Томск; 2НИИ терапии и профилактической медицины — филиал Федерального исследовательского центра “НИИ цитологии и генетики” Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук. Оценить ассоциации между депрессией и ишемической бо­ лезнью сердца (ИБС) в открытой популяции среднеурбанизирован­ ного города Западной Сибири в гендерном аспекте. В открытой популяции 25-64 лет среднеурбанизиро­ ванного сибирского города распространенность ИБС по расши­ ренным и нестрогим эпидемиологическим критериям превалиро­ вала у мужчин, при использовании строгих эпидемиологических критериев в мужской и женской субпопуляциях была практически одинаковой. Следовательно, при использовании эпидемиологи­ ческих критериев определения ИБС при наличии депрессии шанс регистрации ИБС выше, как у мужчин, так и у женщин. М. Изучение связи депрессии и ишеми­ ческой болезни сердца у мужчин и женщин открытой попу­ ляции среднеурбанизированного города Западной Сибири. The severity of depression was assessed as low, moderate, and high. Лабораторией эпидемиологии и профилактики сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний, ORCID: 0000-0002-9961-5616, Гафаров В. Лаборатории эпидемиологии и профилактики сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний, ORCID: 0000-00015152-8460, Каюмова М. М. — к.м.н., н.с. лаборатории эпидемиологии и профилактики сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний, ORCID: 0000-0001-5326-119X]

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