
Salmonella is the genus of Gram-negative, facultative intracellular pathogens that have the ability to infect large numbers of animal or human hosts. The S. enterica usg gene is associated with intracellular survival based on ortholog screening and identification. In this study, the λ-Red recombination system was used to construct gene deletion strains and to investigate whether the identified operon was related to intracellular survival. The pdxB-usg-truA-dedA operon enhanced the intracellular survival of S. enterica by resisting the oxidative environment and the usg and truA gene expression was induced by H2O2. Moreover, the genes in this operon (except for dedA) contributed to virulence in mice. These findings indicate that the pdxB-usg-truA-dedA operon functions in resistance to oxidative environments during intracellular survival and is required for in vivo S. enterica virulence. This study provides insight toward a better understand of the characteristics of intracellular pathogens and explores the gene modules involved in their intracellular survival.


  • Salmonella is a genus of Gram-negative and facultative intracellular pathogens that consists of a large group of genetically similar organisms with the ability to infect many animal and human hosts [1]

  • This study showed that genes in this operon conferred S. enterica with the ability to survive in macrophages and that the truA gene played a key role

  • This study used the λ-Red recombination system to construct gene deletion strains and determine whether the identified operon was related to intracellular survival

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Salmonella is a genus of Gram-negative and facultative intracellular pathogens that consists of a large group of genetically similar organisms with the ability to infect many animal and human hosts [1]. TThhee ppddxxBB--uussgg--ttrruuAA--ddeeddAA OOppeerroonn Iiss RReeqquuiirreedd ffoorr IInnttrraacceelllluullaarr SSuurrvviivvaall ooff SS.. Eenntteerriiccaa TThhee pprreeddiicctteedd ooppeerroonn sshhoowweedd tthhaatt tthhee ppddxxBB,, uussgg,, ttrruuAA aanndd ddeeddAA ggeenneess wweerree ttrraannssccrriibbeedd iinn tthhee ssaammee ddiirreeccttiioonn,, iinnddiiccaattiinngg tthhaatt tthheessee ggeenneess mmaayy hhaavvee ccoo--ttrraannssccrriippttiioonn. IInnttrraacceelllluullaarr ssuurrvviivvaall ooff tthhee ooppeerroonnggeenneeddeelelettioionnmmuuttaannttssaannddccoommpplelemmeenntteedd ssttrraaiinnss inin mmaaccrroopphhaaggeess.. Was similar to the load measured in the mice inoculated with the wild type strain at six days. Five infected mice from each group were randomly selected at 6, 12, and 18 days post-inoculation. Their spleens were removed to assess the bacterial loads (Figure 3B). The results showed that usg and truA contributed to virulence in mice, which was consistent with the cell infection assay results

The usg and truA Expression Levels Were Higher in the Oxidative Environment
Ethics Statement
Bacterial Strains and Media
Construction of Gene Deletion and Complemented Gene Deletion Mutant Strains
Cell Infection Assay
Growth Characteristics and Oxidative Resistance Assay
Gene Expression Levels in an Oxidative Environment
Statistical Analysis
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