
ABSTRACT This paper documents Indigenous Traditional Owners’ water values, rights, and interests from the Mitchell catchment in North Queensland. It is the first analysis of the catchment that links Indigenous water values, rights and interests with specific water resource assessment and development considerations. The paper highlights how relational and reciprocal values frame Traditional Owner responsibilities and obligations through water across generations, across geography, to places, and with the non-human and spiritual entities living on their traditional lands. This ethos of relatedness shapes the way Indigenous peoples want to be engaged in water assessments and planning processes – such processes must focus first on local and regional relationships, where Indigenous actors are central to the coordination of a wider multi-interest governance process. Relatedness relies on building trust, continuous learning, and communication to encompass different values amongst people who are inter-dependent in their use of and relationship with water. Traditional Owners are seeking new platforms that bring multiple knowledges to water resource assessments and planning processes – where Indigenous ways of knowing are included with science, policy, industry, conservation, and community knowledges into an adaptive process focused on long-term sustainability.

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