
Researches developed at watersheds scales, mainly in the context of environmental analysis, have been privileged the comprehension of the multiple correlations between forms of relief and soil distribution in the landscape. Such appreciation of morphopedological studies has enabled the analysis and correlation of pedological systems formation and evolution processes on the different topographic sectors of watersheds. In this comprehension, the current paper, developed in the periurban area of Marechal Candido Rondon city, West Parana State region, has for objective the correlation of the morphology of the watersheds with the space distribution of the soils in the valley bottom sectors of Guavira river watershed’s superior section. Based on the theoretical and methodological precepts of the pedological cover structural analysis and landscape integrated analysis, desk work was developed (photo interpretation, elaboration of maps about soil usage, declivity, hypsometric and soil); field work (topographic and pedological survey) and lab work (physical and chemical analysis), which permitted to understand the geoecological structure of the watershed and the morphopedological relations of valley bottom sectors, where there is predominance of the following soil classes: a) FLUVIC CAMBISOL gleysol eutrophic; b) HAPLIC CAMBISOL typical perferric; c) RED NITOSOL typical eutroferric and d) LITHOLIC NEOSOL fragmentary eutrophic.

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