
To the Center: Based on the spirit of the CCP Central Committee Document 55 (1978), we have carried out a reinvestigation into the question of Comrade Sha Wenhan's delineation as a rightist and report to you on this reinvestigation and our opinions as follows: Sha Wenhan, male, born in 1906 [This should read 1908.—Ed.], in Yin County in Zhejiang. Born in a landlord's family; personal status, student. Joined the party in 1925. During the first and second national revolutionary struggles, held the posts of district party secretary, party and youth league secretary of the youth alliance, student at the Moscow Youth International College, head of the Workers Department of the Shanghai Branch of the Communist Youth League, and staff member of the International Intelligence Bureau in Japan. In the Anti-Japanese War and the Liberation War, head of the Propaganda Department of the Zhejiang [This should read Jiangsu.—Ed.] Provincial Committee, head of the Propaganda Department of the Huainan District Committee, head of the Propaganda Department of the Central China Subbureau, Dean of Studies at its party school, and head of the Urban Work Department of the Shanghai Bureau. After national liberation, he was head of the Propaganda and United Front departments of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee, party secretary of the Taiwan Work Committee of the East China Bureau, vice chairman of the Zhejiang provincial people's government, member of the standing committee of the provincial committee, and governor. In December 1957, with the center's approval, he was delineated a rightist and expelled from the party, demoted from grade 6 to grade 12, and assigned as a member of the standing committee of the Zhejiang Branch of the Chinese People's Consultative Conference. At the end of 1963, his rightist hat was removed, and he died of illness in January 1964.

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