
Aims: A substantialpartofthegenome istranscribedinnon-codingRNAs. We review ourfinding of along non-coding RNA (designatedHeg)in mononuclearcells(MNC) and regulation of TSHreceptorautoantibodies(TRAb). Results:The Heg RNA transcriptinMNC isnegatively correlatedwithTRAb inpatients withearlyand untreatedGravesdisease.In treatedpatients andincontrolsHeg correlatednegativelywithCD14 mRNA. Transfection studieswithfragments ofHeg added toMNC (exogenous Heg)decreased CD14 mRNA in MNC and increasedgene expressionofRIG-I,TLR7 and IFN-�≥ .Heg islikelyto activate TLR7 receptors. CD14 isa co-receptorofTLR7. Decrease ingene expressionofCD14 afterHeg isa signof differentiationofMNC todendriticcells.Thismay reduce surfaceexpressionof CD14, cytokineresponses and the responsiveness to TSH receptorantigens. Thusthe relationshipbetween TRAb and lncHeg RNA ismost likelyexplainedbyreceptorcross- interference.Cdk1 mRNA (an indexofcellcycleactivity)ispositivelyrelatedwithTRAb. Cdk1 mRNA and TRAb butnotHeg decreased significantlyduringantithyroidtreatment. Cdk1 decreased tovaluesbelownormal. Conclusion: Thus bothHeg RNA and Cdk1 may regulatethe level ofTRAb but by two different mechanisms.

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