
The border region is a very strategic area for security, social and economic stability, both the border communities and all citizens in a country. The border region in Indonesia too. Indonesia's vast border region requires effective and accountable border management policies from social, economic and security aspects. The use of oil and gas in international law studies is contained in the legal instruments of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1803 (XVII) on December 14, 1962, Resolution 2158 (XXI) on November 25, 1966, and Resolution 3016 (XXVNI) on 18 December 1972, United Nations General Assembly Resolution (FEB) 3201 (S-Vl) May 1, 1974 concerning the Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order and Resolution 3281 (XXIX) December 12, 1974 concerning the Program of Economic Rights and Obligations of the State, and the 1972 Declaration on the Human Environment. Keywords : regulation, utilization, oil and gas, sea borders, international law DOI : 10.7176/RHSS/9-18-13 Publication date :September 30 th 2019

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