
The article examines the issues related to the procedural institute of participation of concepts in criminal proceedings, its appearance, development and legislative regulation at different historical stages. It is noted that since its origin, this institution of procedural law has been observed as a guarantee of ensuring the rights and interests of participants of investigative actions against harassment by the investigating authorities. A number of procedural rules which contain information on the participation of concepts in pre-trial proceedings allow us to conclude that the institute of witnesses is present in the current Code of Criminal Procedure.
 The authors analyse the opinions of scientists on the viability of keeping the institute of concepts in the current CPC, due to the modern technical opportunities for objective and complete fixation of the course and results of the investigative action. The authors conclude that the legislator has a reasonable attitude to the use of the traditional institute of concepts and the use of modern technical devices for recording investigative actions. The authors note that keeping the institute of concepts in the current CPC of Ukraine requires further regulation. The classification of a concept as a participant in criminal proceedings requires appropriate modifications to the CPC and an independent article among other participants in criminal proceedings. It is proposed to define this participant in the process in the relevant provision, indicating his procedural status (list of rights and obligations), the range of persons who cannot be involved as witnesses, and the right of participants to the investigative action to challenge the concept.
 Based on the analysis of scientists’ opinions, doubts are expressed about the ability of concepts to create conditions for an objective and, moreover, proper proceeding of the investigative action, to ensure the legality of its performance. In most cases, witnesses are random persons who are not interested in the case. The author analyses the proposals of scientists regarding the competitive recruitment by local self- government authorities of individuals who are trustworthy and passing their lists to law enforcement authorities for the purpose of engaging concepts. The authors justify the proposals for further regulation of the institute of concepts.

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