
The tetralin biodegradation genes of Sphingomonas macrogolitabida strain TFA are clustered in two closely linked and divergent operons. To analyze expression of both operons under different growth conditions, transcriptional and translational gene fusions of the first genes of each operon to lacZ have been constructed in plasmids unable to replicate in Sphingomonas and integrated by recombination into the genome of strain TFA. Expression analysis indicated that the transcription of both genes is induced in similar ways by the presence of tetralin. Gene expression in both operons is also subjected to overimposed catabolic repression. Two additional genes named thnR and thnY have been identified downstream of thnCA3A4 genes. ThnR is similar to LysR-type regulators, and mutational analysis indicated that ThnR is strictly required for expression of the thn operons. Unlike other LysR-type regulators, ThnR does not repress its own synthesis. In fact, ThnR activates its own expression, since thnR is cotranscribed with the thnCA3A4 genes. ThnY is similar to the ferredoxin reductase components of dioxygenase systems and shows the fer2 domain, binding a Cys4[2Fe-2S] iron sulfur center, and the FAD-binding domain, common to those reductases. However, it lacks the NAD-binding domain. Intriguingly, ThnY has a regulatory role, since it is also strictly required for expression of the thn operons. Given the similarity of ThnY to reductases and the possibility of its being present in the two redox states, it is tempting to speculate that ThnY is a regulatory component connecting expression of the thn operons to the physiological status of the cell.

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