
The histones present in mature oocytes and embryos of Urechis caupo and their pattern of synthesis during early development have been characterized. Acid-soluble proteins extracted from mature oocyte germinal vesicles and from embryonic nuclei were analyzed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Histones are accumulated in the mature oocytes in amounts sufficient to provide for the assembly of chromatin through the 32- to 64-cell stage of embryogenesis. Two H1 histones, which appear to be variants, were found. Germinal vesicles and cleavage-stage nuclei are enriched in H1M (maternal). During late cleavage a faster-migrating H1, H1E (embryonic), appears among the nuclear histones and, as embryogenesis continues, replaces H1M as the predominant H1. No new core histone variants are detected during early development. Examination of [ 3H]lysine-labeled histones from germinal vesicles and embryonic nuclei reveals stage-specific patterns of histone synthesis. H1M is the major H1 species synthesized in mature oocytes. After fertilization, a switch to the predominant synthesis of H1E occurs. Comparison of the [ 3H]lysine incorporated into H1E and core histones indicates that H1E synthesis is disproportionately high from midcleavage through the midblastula stage. By the gastrula stage, a balanced synthesis of H1E and each core histone is established. The results indicate that there is noncoordinate regulation of H1 and core histone synthesis during Urechis development.

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