
In a previous study we reported that FSH receptors in bovine testes membranes are physically and functionally associated with a guanine nucleotide-binding protein (N protein). In this study we examined the mechanism whereby GTP binding to N protein regulates FSH binding to its receptors. Binding of FSH to receptors decreased in the presence of GTP in a dose-dependent and noncompetitive manner. This effect did not require the presence of Mg+2 and is in contrast to the reported requirement for Mg+2 for GTP effects on human CG binding to ovarian receptors. Equilibrium binding experiments indicated that decreased hormone binding in the presence of GTP was not due to a decrease in the number of FSH receptors per se; rather, the altered binding isotherm was the result of a decrease in affinity of receptors for FSH. Moreover, the dissociation of [125I]human FSH from preformed FSH-receptor complex was rapid in onset and significantly accelerated in the presence of GTP. In a series of nucleotides, GTP was most effective in causing this effect. Evidently, occupancy of GTP binding sites on the N protein, including low affinity and high capacity sites, is necessary for GTP regulation of FSH binding to receptors. The fact that pretreatment of bovine testis membranes with cholera toxin plus NAD, but not pertussis toxin plus NAD, eliminates the GTP effect on FSH binding to its receptors suggests that the GTP regulatory binding protein mediating the GTP regulation of FSH binding is probably Ns and not Ni. Further characterization of FSH receptor sensitivity to GTP, however, indicated that the N protein involved does not exhibit all of the characteristics reported for Ns. For example, the affinity of GTP for N protein is relatively low even under conditions where GTP hydrolysis has a minimal effect in reducing the total concentration of GTP. Also, the absence of a requirement for Mg+2 in high affinity FSH receptor-N protein coupling is different from the requirement for Mg+2 seen with the beta-adrenergic receptor and Ns. Moreover, the N protein which mediates GTP regulation of FSH-receptor binding appears to be relatively insensitive to N-ethylmaleimide, unlike the N-ethylmaleimide sensitivity of the turkey erythrocyte Ns. These results suggest that differences may exist in the structure-function features of GTP regulatory binding protein associated with different types of hormone ligands and receptors.

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