
The effects on the activities of the enzymes which metabolize ornithine and arginine in liver and kidney have been studied by feeding rats diets containing 8% ornithine, arginine, or proline and 10 or 20% casein. In liver the enzymes studied were arginase, ornithine transcarbamylase, argininosuccinic acid lyase, and ornithine-δ-transaminase. The ratios of their activities were 3000:414::10:1, respectively. In kidney the enzymes studied were arginase, ornithine-δ-transaminase, and arginine-glycine transamidinase. The ratios of their activities were 24:2::7:1.0. Several of these enzymes were inducible to higher activities by feeding diets with the added amino acids. Of these, the most sensitive to substrate induction was liver ornithine-δ-transaminase. This enzyme, which had the lowest specific activity of those studied, showed an increase in specific activity of 250.6% when ornithine was added to the 20% casein diet. Arginine and proline were somewhat less effective as inducers. This difference in inducing ability was further accentuated by the 10% casein diet. This indicated that ornithine is probably the primary inducer of liver ornithine-δ-transaminase, and that arginine and proline probably act by conversion to ornithine. Kidney ornithine-δ-transaminase was also inducible, but to a lesser extent (28.7%) and only by ornithine added to the 20% casein diet. Liver ornithine transcarbamylase was induced maximally by ornithine on the 20% casein diet. The induction of this enzyme was relatively much less (31.2%) than that of liver ornithine-δ-transaminase, but in absolute amounts its change in activity was 50 times greater than the change in liver ornithine-δ-transaminase. On the 10% protein diet, arginine produced an inhibition of growth and a decrease in liver weight. This was accompanied by a 37.7% depression in the activity of liver arginase and a 23.5% depression in the activity of liver ornithine transcarbamylase, changes which probably reflect a general inhibition of protein synthesis.

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