
This is an inquiry into the meaning of and relationship between jural principles and jural norms. The theories of both H. Dooyeweerd and H.G. Stoker are subjected to a critical analysis. It is concluded that in so far as Stoker's theory of legal principles is brought into relationship with the divine calling of man in cosmic reality and his theory of jural norms into relationship with the manner in which man ought to answer to this calling and fulfill his vocation, it opens up important scientific avenues for exploration. Furthermore the differences between Stoker's view and those from the ranks of the “Philosophy of the Cosmonomic Law Idea” are investigated.


  • Die belang van beginsels v i r die wetenskap as geheel kan m oelllk o orskat word

  • T h is i s an in q u iry in to th e meaning o f and re la tio n s h ip betw een ju ralpr in c ip l e s and ju r a l n orm s

  • Sto k e r are su b jected to a c r itic alana lysis

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Dooyeweerd se siening van regsbeg in sels is h oo fsaaklik in Sy De structuur d e r re chtsbeginselen en de m e th odederrechtswetenschapinhetlichtder wetsJdee (1930) en syEncyc lo p a e d ie d e r rechtw etenschap (1969) te vinde. Die na-logiese modale wette is slegs in beginsel gegee en is dus v ir h u lle gelding van h isto rie se vorming of p o sitiv e rin g deur die mens a fh a n k lik. Die fundam enteelste beginsel van die skepping is dié van sy k re a tu u rlik h e id , sy geskapenheid deur God. Volgens Stoker (1961 b :4 3 ) is h ie rd ie beginsels bepalend, leidend en rigtend v ir a lle s wat bestaan; ook v ir die w etenskap, wat byvoorbeeld n ik s k re a tu u rlik s mag verabsoluteer en selfgenoegsaam ste l n ie. Is daar ook nog ander S k rifb e g in s e ls , byvoorbeeld sondeval en kwaad in die kosmos sowel as sondeverlossing en herskepping deur C h ris tu s , die twee nature van C h ris tu s , die deur God geskape ra d ik a le ve rsk e id e n h e id van die kosmos, die mens as beeld van God, m enslike veran tw o o rd e likh eid en bestemming, monogamie, die sedewet (s e lf- en n a a s te lie fd e ), die arb e id e r is op sy loon gereg tig, beginsels betreffende die kerk ensovoorts

Selfevidente beginsels
Oorsprong en rlg tln g
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