
A study of the natural regeneration of woody species under isolated bushes in a sector of northeast of Ibera Macrosystem is presented. The aim of the study was to evaluate the nurse effect of shrubs and structural parameters of regeneration. We show that the presence of isolated shrubs is fundamental to establish regeneration and that Ilex dumosa var. guaranina, Miconia chamissois, and Ocotea lancifolia promoted their abundance and richness. The regeneration involved 21 species, but was mainly structured by Miconia chamissois, Ilex dumosa var. guaranina, Citronella gongonha, and Myrsine parvula. The results indicate that Ilex dumosa var. guaranina was the most abundant solitary species and one of the best to regenerate under these conditions. While this shrub may constitute the initial stage in the formation of more or less large forests fragments, we suggest that the abundance of Ilex dumosa var. guaranina in this kind of primary woody succession prompted the expression “ka’a mirĩ” (the incipient forest), a guarani name of this species.


  • A study of the natural regeneration of woody species under isolated bushes in a sector of northeast of Ibera Macrosystem is presented

  • We show that the presence of isolated shrubs is fundamental to establish regeneration and that Ilex dumosa var. guaranina, Miconia chamissois, and Ocotea lancifolia promoted their abundance and richness

  • The results indicate that Ilex dumosa var. guaranina was the most abundant solitary species and one of the best to regenerate under these conditions

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Materiales y Métodos

Área de estudio El estudio fue llevado a cabo en el extremo noroeste del Macrosistema Iberá, situado en la localidad de Puerto Valle, Dep. La regeneración de especies leñosas El modelo logístico ajustado a la regeneración de leñosas en el pastizal sin cobertura y bajo la copa de los arbustos permite inferir que estos últimos obran como nodrizas posibilitando el establecimiento de renuevos (R2 = 0,58, LRT - χ2 = 211.86, p-valor < 0,001), siendo que la probabilidad de encontrar renovales debajo de ellas es del 0,85, valor significativamente mayor que 0,03 de las parcelas testigo (Fig. 3). Referente a las riquezas de renovales, los mayores valores absolutos fueron registrados para Miconia chamissois, Ocotea lancifolia, Ilex dumosa var. Los mayores valores del índice de regeneración natural total corresponden a Miconia chamissois (78,6), Ilex dumosa var. Además se han recolectado muestras de herbario de dos especies aún no citadas para esta provincia; son ellas Chionanthus trichotomus (Oleaceae), hasta el presente citada en la Argentina sólo para la provincia de Misiones, y Rhamnus sphaerosperma var. pubescens (Rhamnaceae), citada para Misiones, Jujuy, Salta y Tucumán

Discusión y Conclusiones
Myrsine parvula Total
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