
The aim of these investigations is to develop refractory gunite using local and waste materials available in Lithuania, to investigate its physical and mechanical properties and compare them with the same density and composition concrete compacted by vibration and ramming methods. In this work light (vermiculite, expanded fire clay, diatomite) and heavy (shamotte) aggregates with aluminium cement as binding material were used. The concrete samples (7×7×7 cm) were fired at various temperatures from 20°C to 1100°C. Five types of refractory gunites with different dry mixtures having a bulk density from 850 to 1500 kg/m3 have been developed. It was shown that concrete cold crushing strength depends on dry mixture bulk density and firing temperature: heavy concrete samples compacted by vibration and ramming methods are stronger, while light concrete samples made by gunning are better. The influence of temperature decreases the strength characteristics, which was confirmed by ultrasonic impulse velocity measurement results. An estimation of water requirements for concrete sample production various compacting methods is given. It was found that gunite water requirements are substantially lower than for rammed or vibrated concrete. Newly developed refractory gunite was used in furnaces as lining in an exhaust flue at Mažeikiai Oil Refinery.


  • them with the same density and composition concrete compacted by vibration and ramming methods

  • crushing strength depends on dry mixture bulk density

  • heavy concrete samples compacted by VIbration

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Eksperimentq metodika

Tyrimuose naudoti trys betono sutankinimo metodai: torkretavimas, vibravimas, pliikimas. Eksperimentuose bandiniams pagaminti buvo naudojama finnos "Meyco Piccola" torkretavimo ma!ina, apibiidinama §iais parametrais: mabimalus na!umas - 3,3 m3/h, miSinio padavimo nuotolis - iki 500 m, miSinio padavimo auk§tis- iki 100m, oro spaudimas- 4-6 at., oro kiekis 3-S m3/min., mase - 350 kg (1 pav.). Eksperimentams paruo§tas torkretavimo stendas - metaline 100 x 100 em dydfio sienele su metaliniais remais. Todel i torkretavimo ma§in~ buvo tiekiama po 50 litrq torkretbetonio sausq misiniq. Gerai (rankiniu biidu) su vandeniu sumaisyta betono mase klojama i form~ ir 2 minutes vibruojama (50 Hz dafnumu) ant vibrostalo. Lvairiais bfidais sutankinti betono bandiniai kietejo 7 paras, po to buvo dfiovinami 110 °C ir degami oc bei 1100 oc temperatiiroje, veliau nustatomos sios betonq eharakteristikos: tankis, stipris gniufdant, susitraukimas ir ultragarso impulso greitis

Betonq tyrimo rezultatai
Torkretbetoniq diegimas pramoneje
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