
The scientific article is devoted to the actual issues of the reform of the institute of local self-government in the conditions of further democratization of all spheres of public life. In the article the author proves the necessity of taking into account the positive experience of European countries at the certain time having also carried out municipal reforms at the certain time, the results of which provided not only a substantial strengthening of foundations of the functioning of the local self-government institution, but also a radical rethinking of the essence and content of local self-government in the process of further development of the state as a democratic, law-governed and social. Taking into account the European practice of functioning of local self - government, the first steps of reforming legal, organizational, material and financial bases of local self - government activity in Ukraine were proposed by the author. Special attention was paid to the issues of functional and financial decentralization. The necessity of reforming public authority in Ukraine and implementation at all levels of public administration of democratic principles in accordance with the provisions of the European Strategy for Innovation and Good Governance at the local level have been argued.
 Based on the above, the purpose of scientific research is not only to justify the need for consistent reform of local government as an important component of constitutional reform, but also proposals for its modernization on the basis of subsidiarity and decentralization, which in modern Ukraine will create and operate self-sufficient to solve their own socio - economic problems.

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