
Direct speciation of soil phosphorus (P) by linear combination fitting (LCF) of P K-edge XANES spectra requires a standard set of spectra representing all major P species supposed to be present in the investigated soil. Here, available spectra of free- and cation-bound inositol hexakisphosphate (IHP), representing organic P, and of Fe, Al and Ca phosphate minerals are supplemented with spectra of adsorbed P binding forms. First, various soil constituents assumed to be potentially relevant for P sorption were compared with respect to their retention efficiency for orthophosphate and IHP at P levels typical for soils. Then, P K-edge XANES spectra for orthophosphate and IHP retained by the most relevant constituents were acquired. The spectra were compared with each other as well as with spectra of Ca, Al or Fe orthophosphate and IHP precipitates. Orthophosphate and IHP were retained particularly efficiently by ferrihydrite, boehmite, Al-saturated montmorillonite and Al-saturated soil organic matter (SOM), but far less efficiently by hematite, Ca-saturated montmorillonite and Ca-saturated SOM. P retention by dolomite was negligible. Calcite retained a large portion of the applied IHP, but no orthophosphate. The respective P K-edge XANES spectra of orthophosphate and IHP adsorbed to ferrihydrite, boehmite, Al-saturated montmorillonite and Al-saturated SOM differ from each other. They also are different from the spectra of amorphous FePO4, amorphous or crystalline AlPO4, Ca phosphates and free IHP. Inclusion of reference spectra of orthophosphate as well as IHP adsorbed to P-retaining soil minerals in addition to spectra of free or cation-bound IHP, AlPO4, FePO4 and Ca phosphate minerals in linear combination fitting exercises results in improved fit quality and a more realistic soil P speciation. A standard set of P K-edge XANES spectra of the most relevant adsorbed P binding forms in soils is presented.

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