
Hucul horses are the unique, genetically distinct breed of Carpathian Mountains. Even though they are recognized as primitive breed, many morphological differences between them and other primitive horses have been reported. Neither hematological nor blood biochemical studies in this breed have been conducted so far. The aim of this study was to establish the reference intervals for basic hematological and selected biochemical variables and to compare them with other breeds. Blood samples were collected from 168 Hucul horses and the analyses were performed using routine methods. Mainly nonparametric method was used to establish reference intervals. The following reference intervals have been established (rounded to two significant digits): RBC: 7.0-13×1012/l; HGB: 106.1-195.8 g/l; HCT: 0.3-0.6 l/l; MCV: 35-50 fl; MCH 11.9-17.1 pg; MCHC: 31.9-34.8 g/dl; WBC: 7.5-22×109/l, bands: 0-0.5×109/l; segmented neutrophils: 3.3-10×109/l; eosinophils: 0-1.1×109/l; basophils: 0-0.3×109/l; lymphocytes: 1.9-12×109/l; monocytes: 0-0.2×109/l; PLT 95-350×109/l; MPV 5.2-7.0; ALP: 98-425 U/l; AST: 220-470 U/l; GGT: 9.1-31 U/l; total bilirubin: 6.5-29 μmol/l; CPK: 120-640 U/l; triglycerides: 0.1-0.9 mmol/l; urea: 3.8-11 mmol/l; creatinine: 44 -140 μmol/l; serum amyloid A: 130-5200 μg/l. Hematological and biochemical variables in Hucul horses were closer to hot-blooded then to cold-blooded and primitive horses or wild equidae. The reference intervals presented in this study pose clinically useful tool for evaluation of blood check-up in Hucul horses.

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