
<div>Vehicular automation in the form of a connected and automated vehicle platoon is demanding as it aims to increase traffic flow and driver safety. Controlling a vehicle platoon on a curved path is challenging, and most solutions in the existing literature demonstrate platooning on a straight path or curved paths at constant speeds. This article proposes an algorithmic solution with leader-following (LF) communication topology and constant distance (CD) spacing for platooning homogeneous position-controlled vehicles (PCVs) on a curved path, with each vehicle capable of cornering at variable speeds. The lead vehicle communicates its reference position and orientation to all the follower vehicles. A follower vehicle stores this information as a virtual trail of the lead vehicle for a specific period. An algorithm uses this trail to find the follower vehicle’s reference path by solving an optimization problem. This algorithm is feasible and maintains a constant inter-vehicle distance. The PCVs can be holonomic or nonholonomic. For simulations, this article considers a holonomic four-wheel independent steering four-wheel independent drive (4WIS4WID) PCV for platooning. This vehicle has superior maneuverability and traction and can extend the applications of vehicle platoons from highways to paths with smaller radii of curvature. Simulation of a five-vehicle platoon suggests a satisfactory performance of the proposed approach. This article also presents an alternate curved platooning approach where the lead vehicle communicates its reference longitudinal and lateral velocities and yaw rate to a follower vehicle. The follower vehicle directly follows these communicated signals for platooning. This approach does not store the communicated signals and also cuts the cost of the position controller for the follower vehicles. Simulation results show that this alternative approach is applicable to constant-speed motion.</div>

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