
We report a reanalysis of the reactor antineutrino energy spectra based on the new relative measurements of the ratio $R=\!^{e}S_5/^{e}S_9$ between cumulative $\beta$ spectra from $^{235}$U and $^{239}$Pu, performed at a research reactor in National Research Centre Kurchatov Institute (KI). A discrepancy with the $\beta$ spectra measured at Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) was observed, indicating a steady excess of the ILL ratio by the factor of $1.054\pm0.002$. We find a value of the ratio between inverse beta decay cross section per fission for $^{235}$U and $^{239}$Pu: $(^5\sigma_f/^9\sigma_f)_{KI} = 1.45 \pm 0.03$, and then we reevaluate the converted antineutrino spectra for $^{235}$U and $^{238}$U. We conclude that the new predictions are consistent with the results of Daya Bay and STEREO experiments.

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