
For pt.I see ibid., vol.13, p.1811, 1980. A recently developed method, which reduces a particle transfer problem in finite plane-parallel media to a problem of a semi-infinite media by means of invariant embedding is used to find the reflection and transmission functions of the finite medium, assuming that the surface of the medium is subjected to an angular flux of the type psi (0, mu )= mu beta mu >0 beta =0,1,2, ... Calculations for the semi-infinite slab show that the Eddington approximation (the diffusion-type model) used here is adequately accurate for thick slabs. When applied to finite slabs with beta =0, the accuracy is within 1% for slabs thicker than one mean free path. When applied for beta >0, accuracy of better than 1% is achieved in slabs of only one mean free path. The same approach is applied to a synthetic kernel approximating the two-term Henyey-Greenstein phase function. The modelled scattering law allows a combination of forward scattering, back scattering and linearly anisotropic scattering.

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