
SummaryA new binary vector for Agrobacterium‐mediated plant transformation was constructed, in which two selectable markers, for kanamycin and hygromycin resistance, were placed next to the right and left T‐DNA borders, respectively, and a CaMV 35S promoter‐driven β‐glucuronidase (GUS) gene was placed between these markers as a reporter gene (transgene). Using double antibiotic selection, all transgenic tobacco plants carrying at least one intact copy of the T‐DNA expressed the transgene, and this population exhibited reduced variability in transgene expression as compared with that obtained from the parent vector pBI121. Absence of the intact transgene was the major reason for transgenic plants with little or no transgene expression. Integration of truncated T‐DNAs was also observed among transgenic plants that expressed the transgene and carried multiple T‐DNA inserts. The copy number of fully integrated T‐DNAs was positively associated with transgene expression levels in R0 plants and R1 progeny populations. Variability due to position effect was determined among 17 plants carrying a single T‐DNA insert. The coefficient of variability among these plants was only 35.5%, indicating a minor role for position effects in causing transgene variability. The new binary vector reported here can therefore be used to obtain transgenic populations with reduced variability in transgene expression.

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