
Tolerance-inducing approaches to xenotransplantation would be optimal and may be necessary for long-term survival of transplanted pig organs in human patients. The ideal approach would generate donor-specific unresponsiveness to the pig organ without suppressing the patient's normal immune function. Porcine thymus transplantation has shown efficacy in promoting xenotolerance in humanized mice and large animal models. However, murine studies demonstrate that T cells selected in a swine thymus are positively selected only by swine thymic epithelial cells, and therefore, cells expressing human HLA-restricted TCRs may not be selected efficiently in a transplanted pig thymus. This may lead to suboptimal patient immune function. To assess human thymocyte selection in a pig thymus, we used a TCR transgenic humanized mouse model to study positive selection of cells expressing the MART1 TCR, a well-characterized human HLA-A2-restricted TCR, in a grafted pig thymus. Positive selection of T cells expressing the MART1 TCR was inefficient in both a non-selecting human HLA-A2- or swine thymus compared with an HLA-A2+ thymus. Additionally, CD8 MART1 TCRbright T cells were detected in the spleens of mice transplanted with HLA-A2+ thymi but were significantly reduced in the spleens of mice transplanted with swine or HLA-A2- thymi. [Correction added on October 15, 2019, after first online publication: The missing superscript values +, -, and bright have been included in the Results section.] CONCLUSIONS: Positive selection of cells expressing a human-restricted TCR in a transplanted pig thymus is inefficient, suggesting that modifications to improve positive selection of cells expressing human-restricted TCRs in a pig thymus may be necessary to support development of a protective human T-cell pool in future patients.

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