
Potassium permanganate solution has been used both as a fixative and as a staining for ultrathin sections at transmission electron microscopy, due to its ability to provide good contrast of different tissue components. Subsequently, it has been forgotten due to disadvantages such as conspicuous formation of precipitates and fragility of the tissue sections treated with this dye when placed under the electron beam. Here we demonstrate that the observed granularity of the sections is not related to the formation of non-specific precipitates, but rather to basic proteins such as chromatin proteins closely associated with DNA and ribosomal particles which are intensely stained. This results in a marked contrast of the nuclei, in particular of the heterochromatin areas, the granular component of the nucleoli, and the rough endoplasmic reticulum, that are rich in these protein complexes. We also show how the embedding in LR white acrylic resin can preserve a good morphology and be less sensitive to the treatment with potassium permanganate than the epoxy resin sections, also allowing to perform immunocytochemistry. The fragility of the epoxy resin sections can be partially improved by using formvar-coated grids.

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