
The morphology and morphogenesis of two populations of the marine hypotrich Pseudokahliella marina collected from mollusc-culture waters off Qingdao, China, were investigated from live and protargol impregnated specimens. The Qingdao population of this species is morphologically identified by: size in vivo c .120-175 × 50-75 μm; adoral zone of membranelles about half to three-fifths of body length composed of 32-83 membranelles; undulating membrane comprising only one membrane; subpellicular granules arranged in lines on both ventral and dorsal sides; three well differentiated frontal cirri and seven to 10 fronto-ventral rows; generally one left and one right marginal rows (occasionally in some 'abnormal' cells with two left marginal rows); nine to 20 macronuclear nodules and three complete dorsal kineties. Since some morphogenetical stages were lacking in the original report, supplementary descriptions are here supplied, which reveal the following 'new' characteristics: 1) there is no differentiation of paroral and endoral membranes; 2) the generation of the dorsal kineties is of the 'onegroup- mode' deriving very possibly from a 'primary primordium' and 3) in 'abnormal' individuals with two left marginal rows, a new marginal row anlage was generated from each parental structure.

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