
Red turpentine beetle, Dendroctonus valens (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) is a non-aggressive pine bark beetle native to North America, and more aggressive invader in China. Dispersing pioneer beetles are attracted to potential host trees by oleoresin monoterpene kairomones, but respond more strongly to those combined with ethanol, a mixture often released from stressed, dying, or recently dead trees. (+)-3-Carene, usually the dominant or co-dominant monoterpene in ponderosa pine, Pinus ponderosa, is a stronger attractant than α-pinene or β-pinene where tested over a large portion of the D. valens range, while (+)-3-carene+ethanol was shown previously to attract twice the beetles of (+)-3-carene. A field test comparing D. valens attraction among the three monoterpenes when all are released with ethanol has never been reported, and was our objective. In three US Pacific Northwestern pine forests, (–)-β-pinene+ethanol lures attracted 1.4 to 1.9 times more beetles than (+)-3-carene+ethanol. (+)- or (±)-α-pinene+ethanol lures were least attractive. A 1:1:1 monoterpene mixture+ethanol lure attracted more beetles than the 1:1:1 lure, but it was not statistically higher. Monoterpenes were dispensed from low density polyethylene bottles and their release rates monitored in laboratory and field tests. Under laboratory conditions (+)-3-carene was released much more rapidly than (+)-α-pinene or (–)-β-pinene when dispensed separately, or in a 1:1:1 mixture. (+)-3-Carene in the 1:1:1 mixture increased the release of both pinenes over their rates when dispensed separately. (–)-β-Pinene+ethanol is currently the strongest kairomone lure for D. valens attraction in US northwest pine forests, and has value for beetle detection, monitoring, research, and management.

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