
The abandoned end-of-life vehicle (ELV) problem in small islands has negative effects on local sustainable development, and the treatment of ELVs in island scale is usually difficult. This study presents the investigation of the material flows and economic analysis on the ELVs in small islands by the case study of Kinmen, Taiwan. The ELVs generation amount is estimated using the population balance model (PBM) and the results showed a steep increase in the future for both automobiles and motorcycles. The insufficient ELV treatment capacity has resulted in the significant informal treatment flow, which will be the total weight of 1906 tons of items with market value, with a potential economic gain of 16.9 million TWD in 2050. The results of the economic characterization of the local dismantling business clarified that profitability is the main hindrance for the development of new dismantling business due to high transportation costs. Our results suggested that implementation of the different subsidy rate according to the treatment area under the current policy or creation of a new treatment flow with a direct shipment of ELVs for treatment is necessary to improve the utilization of the stocked materials from untreated ELVs.


  • Vehicle ownership over the world has increased greatly in the past few decades, which has resulted in a rapidly growing number of end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) [1]

  • Based on the ELV generation amount estimated by population balance model (PBM) and by knowing the treatment capacity of the existing dismantler in Kinmen, we assumed that the ELV generation amount beyond the dismantler treatment capacity is the untreated ELV number

  • The results showed that the ELV generation number in Kinmen will increase greatly

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Vehicle ownership over the world has increased greatly in the past few decades, which has resulted in a rapidly growing number of end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) [1]. The number of abandoned ELVs has decreased significantly owing to the subsidy policy All these reports and studies have shown that the management strategy for ELVs in small island territories is necessary. Owens et al reported that in Kayangel Island, 93% of the solid waste end-up accumulated inside the island [14] This situation is more serious in ELV treatment since treating the ELVs requires the existence of several relating industries, and moving out of vehicles for treatment is more expensive than moving out other resources. Despite the high development in ELV recycling in Taiwan, in its island communities, the management of ELV is facing problems due to its growing population and growing tourism industries This leads to a growing amount of ELV generation over the current treatment capacity in the future. AAfftteerr tthhee eennvviirroonnmmeennttaall pprreettrreeaattmmeenntt,, tthhee ddiissmmaannttlliinngg bbuussiinneessss wwiillll rreemmoovvee tthhee rreeuussaabbllee ppaarrttss,, wwhhiicchh ccaann bbee ssoolldd ttoo ccuussttoommeerrss oorr vveehhiiccllee--rreellaatteedd bbuussiinneesssseess. The flows into (c) and (d) are defined as informal sectors, and the quantification of the material flows of the informal sectors is shown

ELV Generation Estimation by Population Balance Model
Material Contents in Informal Flows of ELVs
Economic Analysis
Increment of The ELV Generation and Untreated Material Stocks
Improve The Profitability of Certificated Dismantling Business
Create A New Flow
Political Measures Supporting The Implementation of The Proposals
Comparison with International ELV Management Systems
Future Prospects
Other types of vehicles
Application to other island cases
20. Xinbaonews Xinbaonews
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