
Complex microstructures of zircon recrystallisation have been discovered in igneous and metamorphic zircons from the Jack Hills Metasedimentary Belt in Western Australia, and the granitic injection complex of Harris in north-west Scotland. Cathodoluminescence (CL), electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and wavelength dispersive spectroscopy (WDS) analysis reveal that recrystallisation in the studied zircons is often characterised by (1) translation, bending and fading of the oscillatory zoning; (2) structural recovery of the zircon; (3) an enrichment in Hf and depletion in Y in recrystallised zircon; and (4) the formation of a recrystallisation interface with a minor (<2°) misorientation. A new, composite recrystallisation model in which trace element and dislocation migration occurs shortly after crystallisation during magmatic cooling and pipe diffusion along dislocation arrays formed by the accumulation of dislocations allows enhanced diffusion to enrich Hf and leach U, Pb and Y. After the recrystallisation event, subsequent metamictization of primary zircon (typically with oscillatory zoning) creates zones that can structurally recover through a diffusion-reaction re-equilibration mechanism, resulting in further trace-element mobility. These mechanisms can create complex microstructures in zircons, suggesting that a detailed understanding of the crystallisation and recrystallisation history of a zircon may be required to accurately interpret its U-Pb ages.

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