
Background: Exogenous androgen treatment suppresses the hypothalamo-pituitary testicular (HPT) axis causing reduced serum LH, FSH and testosterone (T). Recovery of male reproductive endocrine function in past androgen abusers takes 9-18 months with persistent mild lowering of serum T. The natural history of recovery of HPT axis following prolonged injectable testosterone undecanoate (TU) treatment at standard dose is not known. Therefore, the Runoff Study investigated the rate and extent of reproductive hormone recovery over 12 months following cessation of 2 years of TU treatment in the Testosterone for Diabetes Mellitus (T4DM) Study, while men remain blinded to treatment allocation. Methods: T4DM participants without pathological hypogonadism (n=1007) were randomised to TU or Placebo (P) injections every 3 months for 2 years with 303 subsequently volunteering to enter the Runoff study at 12 weeks after last injection. Before T4DM study unblinding, they provided blood samples and validated sexual function questionnaires (PDQ, IIEF-15) at entry (3 months after last injection), 6, 12, 18, 24, 40 and 52 weeks later. Serum steroid profile (T, DHT, E2, E1) was measured batchwise by LCMS and serum LH, FSH and SHBG by immunoassays. Results: Runoff study participants in both groups were similar and did not differ from all T4DM participants. As expected, at entry to Runoff serum T was higher in TU-treated men but at all timepoints from 12 weeks onwards serum T and SHBG remained consistently 11% and 13%, respectively, lower in TU-treated than in P-treated men. Similarly, at entry sexual function scores were higher in TU-treated men but subsequently no different from P-treated men. Serum LH and FSH recovered slowly with the median time to reach their own pre-treatment baseline of serum LH was 51.1 weeks [95% CI 50.4 – 53.0 weeks] and for serum FSH was 52.7 weeks [51.0 – 60.9 weeks]. Conclusion: After stopping 2 years of standard dose injectable TU treatment in men without pathological hypogonadism, recovery of testicular endocrine function is eventually complete but slow with serum gonadotropin recovery taking on 12 months since the last dose. Persistent mild, proportionate reduction in serum SHBG and T reflects lasting exogenous T effects on hepatic SHBG secretion rather than signifying androgen deficiency. This suggests that recovery from androgen-induced HPT axis suppression depends primarily on time since cessation rather than dose or duration of androgen exposure.

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