
One of the first successful demonstrations of the presence of rhinoviruses in vitro was by the interference technique (Hitchcock & Tyrrell, 1960). The use of this technique became unnecessary following the subsequent finding that rhinoviruses readily produced c.p.e. in cell cultures if maintenance medium contained a low bicarbonate concentration and cultures were rolled at 33 °C (Tyrrell & Parsons, 1960). The development and use of human diploid cell strains (Hayflick & Moorehead, 1961) provided even more sensitive systems for the recovery of viruses of this group (Hamparian, Kettler & Hilleman, 1961). Recent evidence, however, suggested that not all rhinoviruses are cytopathogenic even when cultivated under these ‘common cold’ conditions. Hoorn & Tyrrell (1966) described a strain of rhinovirus isolated in organ cultures of human embryo trachea which could not be adapted to grow in cultures of human diploid cells. During studies of respiratory illnesses in military recruits, three virus strains were isolated in human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells by use of the interference technique.

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