
BALB/c mice weaned at 21 days were used to investigate the effects of exogenous recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) administration on the growth performance and carcass composition in females and males allowed to consume feed ad libitum. Forty mice were assigned within each sex (female [F] and male [M] to treatment of either 20 microL g-1 saline (Fs and Ms groups) or 74 ng rhGH g-1 body weight (BW) in 20 microL saline (FGH and MGH groups). At 50 d of age the mice were weighed and then killed by cervical dislocation. Treatment with rhGh improved feed conversion only in growing female mice by enhancing weight gain relative to feed protein intake and weight growth rate without modification of feed consumption, according to a multiple comparison test (LSD). Ms mice showed less carcass fat gain (162%), less fat accretion rate (129%), higher carcass water gain (12%) and higher water accretion rate (28%) than Fs mice. The administration of rhGH modified this distribution inducing an increase in gain and accretion rates of protein (34%), water (41%) and ash (33%) and a reduction in gain and accretion rate of fat (50%) in FGH mice, and only an increase of gain (91%) and accretion rate of fat (67%) in MGH mice compared to saline mice. As result, a decrease in protein gain:fat gain ratio of MGH mice compared to FGH (34%) and Ms (63%) mice was elicited by rhGH, inverting the inherent sexual propensity for fat and protein deposition in growing male mice, due to GH, sex, and to GH x sex interaction influence.

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